Children illuminate the night, carrying lotus flowers along the riverbank with pure hearts. 

As the gentle glow of the riverbank lanterns illuminates the night, a group of little ones emerges, each carrying a lotus flower in their small hands.

With careful steps, they navigate the winding paths along the river, their faces lit up with exсіtemeпt and innocence. The flickering lantern light dances on the surface of the water, casting ethereal reflections of their youthful forms

These little bearers of lotus flowers move with a sense of purpose, their hearts filled with reverence for the sacred symbol they carry.

Amidst the serene melody of flowing water, they create a tableau of purity and ɡгасe, their presence a testament to the beauty of simplicity. With each flower they gently place upon the tranquil surface, they offer a silent prayer, their hopes and dreams mingling with the ripples of the river. In this timeless moment, the innocence of childhood merges with the spiritual essence of the lotus, creating a scene of sublime beauty that captivates all who behold it.