Animal гeѕсᴜe videos make you cry!

35 Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness !


A dog who got stuck in a fence and needed help getting out.

A bird with a broken wing that needed medical attention.

A deer who got caught in a fence and needed to be freed.

A raccoon who got its head stuck in a jar and needed help removing it.

A cat who got stranded in a tree and needed help getting down.

A baby squirrel who fell out of a tree and needed to be rescued.

A dog who was lost and needed help finding its way home.

A goat who was stuck in a fence and needed to be freed.

A seagull who was tangled in fishing line and needed to be rescued.

A fox who was injured and needed medical attention.

A duckling who got separated from its mother and needed help reuniting.

A turtle who got stuck in a drain and needed to be rescued.

A horse who was stranded in a flooded area and needed to be rescued.

A swan who got tangled in fishing line and needed to be rescued.

A dog who was hit by a car and needed medical attention.

A cat who was stuck on a roof and needed help getting down.

A bird who flew into a building and needed help getting out.

A baby elephant who fell into a well and needed to be rescued.

A monkey who got its hand stuck in a fence and needed help freeing it.

A dolphin who got stranded on a beach and needed to be rescued.

A kangaroo who got its foot stuck in a fence and needed help getting it out.

A snake who got caught in a net and needed to be freed.

A bird who got trapped in a chimney and needed to be rescued.

A bear cub who got stuck in a dumpster and needed to be rescued.

A sheep who got stranded on a cliff and needed to be rescued.

A cat who got stuck in a pipe and needed help getting out.

A bird who got trapped in a car and needed to be freed.

A dog who was abandoned and needed to be rescued.

A penguin who got lost and needed help finding its way back to the ocean.

A whale who got trapped in fishing nets and needed to be freed.

A baby bird who fell out of its nest and needed to be rescued.

A dog who was trapped in a burning building and needed to be rescued.

A fox who got its head stuck in a jar and needed help removing it.

A cat who was stuck in a tree and needed help getting down.

A deer who was hit by a car and needed medical attention.