Mae tee’s journey of recovery is an inspiring testament to resilience. 

After extensive treatment for her іпjᴜгіeѕ, Mae tee has made remarkable progress in her recovery. Despite her improvements, the rainy season and resulting muddy conditions posed ongoing сһаɩɩeпɡeѕ.

Recognizing this, Steve and Diane Coulthard Franklin proactively contacted an Australian dog company.


Thanks to their efforts, custom boots were crafted for Mae tee, designed to protect her feet from the mud.

Mae tee exudes confidence as she explores the park wearing her new boots. Her journey began triumphantly, and during a recent muddy adventure, Mae tee joyfully ѕрɩаѕһed around, her feet staying miraculously clean thanks to her new boots.


Special thanks go to Steve and Diane Coulthard Franklin for their unwavering love and care, ensuring Mae tee has the support she needs to heal comfortably and resiliently at every step.



Read more Elephant News.