The paintings of the feudal period make viewers feel embarrassed

Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger (1805-1880) was a famous artist from Vienna, Austria.


Born into a line of sculptors, he originally planned to follow in the family business, but his talent for two-dimensional art made him an accomplished painter and lithographer.


eгotіс Drawings: While Geiger created many illustrations of һіѕtoгісаɩ works and poetry, such as paintings for Goethe, Friedrich von Schiller, William Shakespeare and ‘Vaterländischen Immortellen (Immortals of the Indigenous Lands’) )’ by Anton Ziegler, as well as oil paintings for Austrian royalty, he is primarily remembered for his eгotіс drawings, which a court painter did not expect.

The following eгotіс watercolors, in which he often mocks the Catholic Church, are excellent examples of Geiger’s ingenuity and his understanding of human behavior. They were made circa 1840…

